Episode 1: A New Mission --OR-- There But For Fortune!

You can find the script for Episode 1 here.

Listen to Episode 1

There’s a good chance it’s not line for line anymore, a lot of things shift around when we record, and we recorded a good portion of this ~summer & winter of 2017, with some further recording done late in 2018.

When I was originally writing this episode, they got a call from General Bloodstorm and were informed of a dire situation regarding were-crows. I decided this was probably a bit too much right off the bat, so I took a slower approach and decided to focus the first half of the season on getting to know who these people are exactly, what drove them together and what’s keep them fighting on the same team.

But the idea of there being a race of very tall humanoid crow people infected with a werewolf affliction was too valuable an intellectual goldmine to pass up. I’m sure it’ll come back around at some point, probably just when things are looking up for once. Or maybe when things are looking the most down. You never know..

This episode’s voice cast is:

Ahab - Ryan Sheehe

Bernie - Morgan Stewart

Clyde - Derek Huss

Narrator- Jake Roberts

Kyrgan - Katie Pappas

Kyrgan (alt) - Breanne Hollis

General Bloodstorm - Jason Edwards

Warlord Magna - Katelyn Sabet

Fork - Morgan Stewart

The foreward

The Misery Loves Company began it’s life as a nerf gun movie in 2010. ‘11? Somewhere in that ball-park. We just had some nerf guns. It seemed like a good idea.

You can watch it below. You’ll find most of the familiars, Ahab is the defacto leader (Jason plays General Bloodstorm in the podcast) due to being the competent one, Clyde is the sniper with a mysterious past, Bernie is a degenerate moron who likes big guns and cigars. There’s someone akin to Bloodstorm but we never see him. No Kyrgan.

But the basics are there. We made a sequel, and it’s probably closer in tone to the episodic nature of the show as it exists currently. It fizzled out and we moved onto comics, drawn by Derek who plays Clyde. I thought it would be a cool new angle to have them be soldier of fortune in space— where they could go anywhere and do anything. No matter how stupid.

A lot of the dialogue and situations for the first few episodes are taken directly from this comic. The characteristics of each of the main company members was turned into a more direct physical representation. Ahab is crafty, over-sincere, but genuinely loves being a leader. Clyde, who hides himself from the world, is quite literally turned into a miasma, impossible to grasp unless he allows it, Bernie a thick goofball with a heart of gold that doesn’t melt even if drenched in the blood of the innocents.

After abandoning the idea of the comic, I began re-writing the scripts for this format, eventually building out a 15 episode first season with a few mini-arcs to lay out a strong foundation for a limited series. There is an end. It will come.

I hope you enjoy the journey with me. I hope the show makes you laugh and makes you believe in these 3 people the same way I do.