Season 2 & Mini-Series

Here’s a small piece of Season 2 Episode 1

Far, far from this, the once mighty warship named Kyrgan drifted through space, dead silent. Her engines quiet. Large holes in her hull spilled cargo. Heads, tails and... other parts of terrible monsters, once trophies for her crew, drifted alongside her. No bantering. No arguing. No brewskis. No space hookers. Just a titanic heap of metal and hopelessness. Then-- distant at first, but growing in the distance, was a small point of light.

The ship, a small hauler, matched the Kyrgans' drift pattern. An airlock opened, and out of it came a single cosmonaut and a small robot.



You want to come work in the prison?


No, haw haw, I'll be sent to it. It's inevitable. I been to jail so many times.


What for?


Uh, political assassination, a thing they call "untenable destruction of Federal property" which basically means I broke a space ship, murder a bunch, parking tickets, tax evasion, grand larceny of ancient art, which wasn't true, I didn't steal it, I ate it. Um, shoot man, I forget after awhile. I've had a good time. Space jail sucks though, escaping it can be a real hastle depending.


You are unbearably cool.


Jarre, that's... ugh.


No it's okay, it is pretty cool.


So what are you, a pirate?


We're... uh.. well... we were just a team of mercenaries. We worked for the triple sevens for awhile and then--


We have 11 episodes already written, with a good chunk more on the way.

Jason Edwards, the voice of Bloodstorm, and I are also working on a miniseries that should, in theory, air somewhere between season 1 and 2 depending. I’ll keep you up to date on that. It’s a good story. I think you’ll like it.

I’ll keep you updated here.