The mini-series launched today— a bold new step in delaying podcasts for reasons lost to time. This was initially supposed to be kind of a marketing push for season 2, but after recording about 80% of that, I decided to do some pretty extensive rewrites because I didn’t like the direction it took at the end.
While there’s something to be said for “automatic writing”, ie, the idea that the best material you can create is the material created without thought put towards that material (this is way more complicated than how I’m describing it, but the gist is that you simply output writing with a notion of its direction and then shape it), it’s not always the best fit.
For the most part, I actually do write most of the series this way. With a strong handle on the characters and the sorts of things they do and say, simply creating a situation will typically allow it to resolve naturally while composing the script, and take you places you never planned. However, in the case of the season 2 finale, this has proven to be what many would describe as “A Bad Call”, resulting in nonsense that just doesn’t fit. So it’s being worked on, resulting in a delay, resulting in this delay.
It was actually completed near the beginning of June after a very brief turnaround akin to the Christmas special last year. Just, you know, as they say, shit happens.
Regarding the mini-series, this is an experiment for me largely to see how people react to a story composed by someone else. If it generates any kind of good will towards the idea, we will see more of it. If not, it was fun to do once, and maybe some day we will give it another shot.
I do personally expect to release season 2 this year, however, even if this does not occur, there will be more short specials to come.
The cast is amazing this year. The performances have been absolutely tremendous and I cannot wait for you to hear them. In the meanwhile, enjoy Nightmare in Nostalgia Land!