Episode 15: This Is The End --OR-- When The Saints Go Marching IN

The project for episode 15

The project for episode 15

So it’s done! And what a happy ending for everyone! Mission accomplished!

Just kidding. What else could The Company actually lose, besides each other. Which they already have. The Kyrgan seems to be totally lost, Ahab and Clyde are nowhere to be found, and Bernie is in the smoldering wreckage of not only a ship but his homeworld as well.

Where do they go from here? I think at the end of the day that’s a question best answered in season 2. I’m already knee deep in writing that out, so I’ll keep you updated here.

This show finishing is really a breath of relief for me. I’m no longer capable of ruining it or giving it up. It’s all, all 15 episodes, out and live and just there for anyone who wants to hear it. We ended the season at ~700 downloads total on all platforms. It’s about 650 more than I expected but twenty million fewer than I want.

There were some mistakes through the season, and I think chief among them is that the show wasn’t always a quality listen. After the midpoint of the season you could almost hear the story grind to a halt as everything built up from the solo episodes is put aside for future storytelling and instead we go all in on crow-folk times but very slowly. I’ve learned a lot of good lessons from these failures to press the story forward, and I don’t think you’ll hear as much of that in season 2. No more 8 minute hold you over episodes where two people look at a hole and say it looks spooky the end.

I’m going to make a real effort to try and take the story forward every week, even at the cost of some of the banter. I expect, knowing how I operate, that I will overcompensate for this at some point and we’ll be getting 40 minutes of uninterrupted plot motion where no one talks to each other.

But maybe not.

If you’re reading this, thank you. This was largely for my own benefit and to record my process throughout the making of this season, but I hoped someone would make it here, and see how much this cast really cares about this show. Because we do— so much. For many of us, our first love was acting but it fell by the wayside with the advent of adulthood and the necessity to make money.

So this is a chance to be a person who does this things but also to still hang onto a little piece of a dream we had once that we could make people care about a story, even if its a silly one.

Thank you. See you soon.


Ahab - Ryan Sheehe

Bernie / Fork - Morgan Stewart

Clyde - Derek Huss

Kyrgan - Katie Pappas

Narrator - Jake Roberts

Guests -

Honeymooner - Breanne Hollis

Honeymooner 2 - Ian Lawrence

Space Cop Commander - Samantha Marten

Crow King - Tyler Quick


Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

SFX: Various libraries

Episode 14: The Love Below --OR-- The Frozen Logger

Read the script for episode 14 here

Getting on the KRO was easy— leaving is going to be a whole other matter. It doesn’t seem like there’s any way for this to work out unless they get really, really lucky. Which, to be fair, always seems to happen to the Company. Maybe it’ll happen again?

There’s only so many times the dice work in your favor.

I can’t believe we’re already at the end of the season. Next week is a hell of a show. Even have a new intro for it.

And you wouldn’t believe it, but more people read for the part of the Crow that escorts them to Vanessa Crowelton than any other part in this whole show. I kept losing the recordings in the years that passed us by. I found this one, the final part as recorded by Kyla Edwards hiding attached to a different file. I had three other people try this one but it just kept disappearing. I don’t know.

Keep track of your files.

I’ve learned a lot about process during these last 14 episodes. From accidentally saving temporary effects to master recordings, losing files, not checking work, making a hot mess in the editor— It only takes me a 2-4 hours to edit an episode now versus the 8-10 hours at the start. It took me almost a month of dicking around to finish the first episode, and it sounds way worse than this one. I just have a lot of stuff worked out now. Next season should be a cakewalk… right?


Ahab - Ryan Sheehe

Bernie - Morgan Stewart

Clyde - Derek Huss

Kyrgan - Katie Pappas

Narrator - Jake Roberts

Guests -

Kyla Edwards - Crow Peck

Chris Morrow - Christopher Eccrowston

Samantha Mccalip - Worried Crow


Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

SFX: Various libraries

Episode 13: Planet of the Living Werecrows --OR-- Keep On The Sunny Side!

Download the script for Episode 13 of The Misery Loves Company here

Can’t believe we’re almost to the end. Only two episodes left in Season One. It’s been a blistering couple of months making sure we never missed a deadline, and we’re almost to the finish line.

I’ve been writing some of season 2 already— I think there’s gonna be some good coming up. I hope you’re into it.

Today the Company arrives on the desolate and completely eviscerated planet of KRO-55. Cobb may have been slightly generous by describing the Werecrows as an epidemic, there’s nothing left alive on the surface of this planet. If Vanessa Crowelton is still alive, she’s certainly not here. But if not— where could she be?

We also heard the return of our long lost friend Fork, who has been absent since Episode 3, back in October. I’m sure much has changed for Fork much as it has for you.

Abandoned by Ahab to die due to his treachery, it seems that his newly discovered bloodlust was enough to keep him not only alive in the midst of the gladiatorial forces, but thriving. He’s now the head of the Union of Imperial Gladiators.

Which, while great for Fork, is probably bad for The Misery Loves Company. Grudges keep people alive more than medicine ever could.

And not only that, but the Space Police have been informed of the MLC’s presence as well.

And not only that, but the Blood Beat has followed MLC to KRO-55 as well.

As Clyde says, this is truly the dumbest day. But sometimes we neatly gift wrap our own downfall as the boys have done today. If at any point they had just not blown up that moon… hm. Interesting to think about, probably would have been a pretty boring show though.

This episode was the first time we’ve heard Samantha Mccalip, the last recorded voice for season 1. We started these sessions in summer of ‘17, and here we are… finishing up in 2020.

Two more to go.


Ahab - Ryan Sheehe

Bernie - Morgan Stewart

Clyde - Derek Huss

Kyrgan - Katie Pappas

Narrator - Jake Roberts

Guests -

Kyla Edwards - Werecrow

Jason Edwards - Werecrow

Chris Morrow - Werecrow

Samantha Mccalip - Space Police Commander


Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

SFX: Various libraries